Community Research Project Overview

Double Barrel Studios has proudly been partnering with McMaster University and it’s range of faculties for over five years. Last year, we had the opportunity…

About This Project

Double Barrel Studios has proudly been partnering with McMaster University and it’s range of faculties for over five years. Last year, we had the opportunity to go off campus and see how McMaster’s students and professors continue to apply their resourcefulness and ingenuity in our community.

McMaster’s Office of Community Engagement lead an initiative in order to address food insecurity issues in Hamilton. Associate Professor & Chair of McMasters Department of Anthropology, Tina Moffat, was at the front line of these studies, sparking conversations with students to brainstorm ideas and advocate for food security on and off campus.

After listening to the concerns and understanding the need for change, the McMaster student researchers really wanted to get involved in finding ways to volunteer and help people in their community access the necessary resources. That was when they partnered with Neighbour to Neighbour and the Hamilton Community Food Centre in order to discover best practises for evaluation of their program and to help uncover important issues from speaking with the community members.

This was a fun project for us to produce! We worked closely with the Office of Community Engagement Manager, Dave Heidebrecht, to tell three incredible stories of McMaster’s involvement with our city. McMaster University truly takes pride in their home town and they recognize the critical need for maintaining that relationship with the community.

Stay tuned for more!