A vibrant animation created for the province-wide initiative, Project AMPLIFI. With a snappy script and brand-aligned imagery, complex concepts were simplified, resulting in a more effective, engaging, and understandable message.

About This Project

When it comes to telling a story or delivering a message – healthcare communications professionals often have a delicate balance to strike. They need to deliver grand, complex visions to an incredibly broad audience (think: doctors, care workers, patients & families) …all at the same time.

We recently had the pleasure of working with St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton on this piece for their province-wide initiative, Project AMPLIFI. With a snappy script and vibrant brand-aligned animation – we explained their guiding vision, underlying intention and ground-breaking technology in a way that’s easy to understand. The results speak for themselves.

This approach has struck that perfect balance, helping the St. Joe’s comms team create a message that’s more effective, engaging and understandable – across every audience! Do you need a hand with your next #healthcare campaign? It’s our specialty! Reach out : :) #animation #technology #communications #publicrelations